About me:
Personal Information:
Full Name: Phan Dương Ngọc
Address: Đà Nẵng
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/enzo.no.12
Current work place: Sun-Asterisk Việt Nam
Bachelor of Computer Science in University Information Of Technology
Major: Embedded system
Thesis: “Social media app”
Work Experiences
iOS Developer at SmartDev
Mobile Software Engineer at Sun-Asterisk
Parttime software developer at FTech-AI
Technical Skills
Mobile Development Platform: iOS, React Native.
Programming Languages: Swift, Objective-C, Javascript, Koltin, Python.
Design Patterns: MVC, MVVM, Clean architecture, Viper, Redux.
Dependencies iOS: Alamofire, Kingfisher, WebRTC, RxSwift, RxCocoa, SwiftStoreKit, Chart, PromiseKit, Snapkit, Google Map, Paypal-SDK…
- Dependencies React-native: lodash, react-navigator, react-push-notification, axios, react-native-firebase, ESLint, lottie-react-native, react-redux, redux-sagas, redux-persist..
Dependencies Android: retrofit, Picasso, Gson, ViewPagerIndicator, ShimmerRecyclerView.
IDE: VSCode, Sublime Text, Android Studio, Xcode, PyCharm. Source Version Control: Git (Git command line, SourceTree, SmartGit).Interests and Activities:
Traveling, Trekking, Soccer, Musics, Technology…